Sims Medieval Family Crest Walkthrough

Family Crest - Royal Heraldry route - 3 QP

Medieval Family Size

See our member submitted walkthroughs and guides for The Sims Medieval. Help for The Sims Medieval on Mac, PC, iPhone/iPad. More help, hints and discussion forums for on Supercheats. Royal Heraldry is one of two approaches to the quest Family Crest and it costs 3 QP to start. This is a solo quest in which the Monarch finds out the history of their family and family crest. Choices in this quest offer minor effects, have fun in your choices! As the end is the same. Walkthrough 'I will discover my family's past!' Sims Medieval Guides. Index; Ask; Submit; Archive; Navigation; 16th Feb 2015. A Missing Child - 1 QP. Family Crest - Royal Heraldry route. Yes, some of you may have long since consigned The Sims to gaming history but the franchise is still going strong. One of the latest iterations sees the life-simulation gameplay transported to a.

Sims Medieval Family Crest Walkthrough Guide

Please note that this guide will not contain any pictures such as the absolute first guide; First Steps. If you are unsure of anything, please check there.

Hero you’ll be using:

  • Monarch


A coat of arms told the story of one’s lineage. It represented the achievement of generations. To hold one was to make a connection with those achievements and to remind oneself of the family code of conduct.
But what happened when a hero had no knowledge of his or her own heraldry?
To whom would lineage be more important than to a Monarch? And yet the family heraldry of the ruler of -name of your kingdom- was unknown. That would have to change.

Getting started:

Sims medieval family crest walkthrough cheats

Ask Advisor about Family Crest

Simply click on yellow circle and Ask about Family Crest. If you are unable to click on the yellow circle, it means that the sim is either unavailable right now or sleeping. If sleeping, simply wake the sim up. If not available, wait a few minutes for them to come back by doing Daily Responsibilities or other things.


Write Letters to Relatives at Scribe Table & Send Letter to Relatives

Click on a desk and click on Write Letter to Relatives. Once you have done that, go outside and click on the Messenger Post to send Letter to Relatives.

Ask Servant and Advisor

Simply click on the yellow circles. Click Ask to Prepare for Relative on both of them.

Welcome Relative to Throne Room & Ask Relative About Family Crest

Click on the yellow circle above the Relative and click Welcome to Throne Room.

After you have done this, click on the yellow circle again to Ask About Family Crest.

Show the Relative around your kingdom.

Yellow circles will appear wherever he wishes to go, and you can click on all of them and then Go to Location but I will write them down anyway.

Go to Town Square - Discuss Town Square with Relative.

The Relative is bored and you will get a choice:

Spit into the Well or say No.

If you choose spit into the well, just click on the well and then spit. Once you have done that, you will get another choice, spit on peasant’s face or don’t.

If you choose spit on peasant’s face, click on the yellow circle that appears and click Hock a Loogie. After, a yellow circle will appear, click on it and go to the docks.

If you choose no, don’t spit on peasant’s face he will say it’s alright and wants to go the docks. Click on yellow circle that appears and go to the docks.

If you choose no, to not spit in well, the Relative will say you are boring and ask to see another part of your kingdom, the Docks.

Go to the Docks - Discuss Docks with Relative.

Here you will get another choice, send Servant to the Stocks, or do not send the servant to the Stocks.

If you choose to send the Servant to the Stocks, a yellow circle will appear. Click on it and then Monarch and then Send to Stocks. Once you have done that you’ll get another choice, throw food at Servant or not throw food.

If you choose to throw food, go the Stocks and click on the yellow circle to first throw egg then a tomato at the Servant.

If you choose not to throw food, your Relative will say that you are a buzzkill and that he wants to explore the kingdom in his own. Head back to your castle.

If you choose no, don’t send Servant to the Stocks, your Relative will once again say you’re boring and wants to explore the kingdom on his own. Head back to your castle.


Back at the castle

Discuss rude Relative with your Advisor and Foreign Leader.

After they have told you their opinions on your Relative, a yellow circle will appear above your Relative. Click Discuss Foreign Dignitaries.

The Relative gets upset that you believe them instead of him and says his memory about the Family Crest is getting hazy, and you have to be nice to him and then he’ll maybe remember.

Here you’ll get a choice, get him nice clothes or declare that he’s the greatest cousin in the land.

If you choose to give him clothes, a yellow circle will appear, click on it and then Give Kingly Clothing.

Sims Medieval Family Crest Walkthrough Runescape

If you choose to declare that he’s the greatest cousin in the land he will be happy again. Do this by clicking on your own sim and Declare Cousin’s Greatness.

Ask Relative about the Family Crest again and he will once again deflect the question. Another yellow circle will appear, click on it and Discuss Relative with Town Crier.

She or he will say that they have received a message regarding your Relative. Click on the yellow circle again the receive message.

Turns out this Relative of yours is fake. Now you’ll get a choice:

Either kill him or Exile him.

Sims Medieval Family Crest Walkthrough

If you choose to kill him, you’ll get another choice:

Send him to the pit or execute him.

If you choose send him to the pit, click on the yellow circle that appears and then Monarch and then Send to Pit. Now you’ll have to wait for the Constable to send him to the pit. Once you get there, the quest is over.

If you choose to execute him, a yellow circle will appear, click on it and choose Execute by Sword. Once you have done that, the quest is over.

Sims Medieval Walkthrough Quests

If you choose to Exile him, a yellow circle will appear above your cousin, click on it and click Exile. Once you have done that, the quest is over.